The Pierpont Foundation is an independent, not-for-profit corporation organized for the purpose of stimulating major, voluntary, financial support from alumni, parents, friends, corporations, foundations and others for the benefit of Pierpont Community & Technical College, especially in the building of endowment and in supporting the long-term academic priorities of Pierpont.

The Pierpont Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors made up of a distinctive group of community leaders which include corporate executives, bankers, attorneys, local business owners, manufacturers, distinguished citizens, and more. A listing of our Board Members is available on this website.

The Pierpont Foundation offers a variety of avenues to help the College support student financial needs, support new and developing academic programs, and help grow North Central West Virginia.

The Pierpont Foundation office is maintained on the main campus of Pierpont Community & Technical College in Fairmont, WV.

The Foundation’s mailing address is 500 Galliher Drive, Fairmont, WV.

Contact us at 304-247-9835 or